I hope 2022 is off to a good start for you.

On this end, ‘Bluewire Media’ turned 17 years old…!

Can you believe it…?

I remember Toby & I (and Tom, our third co-founder at the start) setting off to register the business name in 2005.

Once we were ‘officially’ business owners, we went on a little east coast surfing safari to Kiama — you’ve got to celebrate the wins, right!

‘Board meeting’

But once we returned and ‘started work’ properly, what followed was literally weeks of knocking on doors, in the summer heat, and asking people “do you need a website?”

Ha ha – we got met with quite a few ‘NO’s, so we got used to rejection pretty quickly!

Plus we discovered not only the need for persistence but the need to evolve and adapt!

We’ve evolved a long way from the web design company we started as.

Long-time readers will remember that my co-founder Toby and I are both non-technical, so we couldn’t build a website even if you wanted us to.

This meant we hired ‘help’ for that part so we could focus on marketing, sales, processes, events, content, building a team, and much, much more!

What’s changed?

In the past 17 years, plenty has changed in the digital marketing world.

Of course, technical tools like social media, payment systems, and publishing platforms have transformed the world we live in.

With a wifi connection, we can all now connect with over a billion people around the world and learn about any topic for free.

It’s possible to start an online business, find clients anywhere in the world, and get paid – all thanks to the internet.

It’s an incredible time to be in business.

When we wrote our book Web Marketing That Works it became a bestseller with readers all over the world.

‘Final edits on the book manuscript, complete’

However, I’m more impressed with what has stayed consistent.

What’s stayed consistent? The fundamentals.

You need clients, you need a good offer, you need a process to sell and deliver your work. You need a network and your reputation.

On the marketing front, generosity still scales.

If you can publish useful information and get it found by the right people, you will build a self-filling audience of prospects and clients who value your work.

On the mentoring and coaching front, there are always people who have walked a similar path to the one you are on. Through books, courses, workshops, or a direct relationship, these mentors and coaches will be able to fast track your journey, if you follow their lead.

With our mentor, David Meerman Scott

Most of all, it’s still important to have fun!

Since the day we started Bluewire, Toby and I have tried to celebrate the wins no matter how small.

For several years in the early days, we hosted birthday parties for clients and readers who could make it to Brisbane for a night!

Even though Toby isn’t very active in the business these days, we’ll still be sitting down for our Bluewire 17th Birthday lunch and reflecting on the adventure so far!

Bluewire’s 5th birthday party (with a couple of 100 guests)

Today also marks the 17th year of the humble Bluewire News email newsletter.

What started as an email to ~400 friends and family has grown to an audience of over 30,000 readers all over the globe.

Whether you’ve been with me since my very first newsletter (** you’ll remember I sent it out addressed “Dear Adam” to all 400 people – oops!**) or whether this is your first email from me, I say ‘thank you’ for reading.

I hope you find it valuable because I love writing it each week.

I’m also pleased to let you know you can get my Bluewire News delivered on LinkedIn as a newsletter.

Click here to get every Bluewire News edition via LinkedIn.

Subscribe to ‘Bluewire News’ via LinkedIn Newsletter

I’ve got more planning tools and free training coming your way soon.

Finally, if my material resonates with you and you want a hand with it all for your business, please comment with “READY”.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” ~Buddha

Let’s make 2022 the best year yet!

PS. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways help consultants & advisors grow:

1. Download the Web Strategy Planning Template (PDF). Our flagship 1-page tool we co-created with David Meerman Scott. It’s been downloaded over one million times and featured on Forbes.

2. Read a free chapter from our book: Web Marketing That Works — — an Amazon #1 best seller.

3. Join the private group on Facebook. Access free training resources, and hang out with 2,300+ peers.

4. Discover your marketing score. Take the 40 point Marketing Scorecard (in < 6mins) and get a customised report.

5. Order my LinkedIn Profile Makeover Workbook: Give your profile the makeover it deserves and put your best foot forward.

6. Let’s brainstorm how to build a hands-off marketing pipeline. Book a 20 min slot to talk on Zoom


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