Business, Marketing

How To (Re) Engage

I’ve just landed in Melbourne for my keynote tomorrow.

I’m quite excited to be honest. I’m looking forward to talking about simplifying your marketing and leveraging AI.

I’m in a groove with my videos too.

I’ve got my content VAs helping edit and schedule them and I’ve got a long list of content ideas to talk about thanks to my AI Adam GPT.

Hat tip to my friend Omar Zenhom from $100MBA podcast who taught me the concept of creating content that your clients “need to have” rather than just content that’s “nice to have”.

He calls this a a Worry List.

A list of things that keep your ideal clients up at night.

I’ve been working with AI Adam (my custom GPT) to generate a Worry List so I’m never short of content to record on videos!

Here’s a video I recorded last week.

I actually shot this before I had my worry list, but this is a ‘takeaway’ insight from my keynote preso 😉

Watch on: LinkedIn Facebook YouTube

HOW TO RE-ENGAGE: One of the easiest ways to engage or re-engage with people in your network, whether they’re email contacts or LinkedIn contacts, is to simply write to them and offer them something that you think might be of value to them.

For example, you might say in a message:

“I’ve just finished creating this ______ resource for my clients. I thought it might be useful for you.

Would you like me to send you a copy?”

Something as simple as that is a perfect way to reengage with your network.

Just note though that you’re offering it, not ramming it down their throat.

You do need to wait for them to say yes, please, before sending it.

That’s known as permission to proceed.

So simply offer something first, wait for them to say yes, and then send it over to them.

How do you like to re-engage with people?


PS. When you’re ready, here are 6 ways I can help you grow:

1. Download the Web Strategy Planning Template (PDF). Our flagship 1-page tool we co-created with David Meerman Scott. It’s been downloaded over one million times and featured on Forbes.

2. Read a free chapter from our book: Web Marketing That Works — — an Amazon #1 best seller.

3. Join the private group on Facebook. Access free training resources, and hang out with 2,200+ peers.

4. Discover your marketing score. Take the 40 point Marketing Scorecard (in < 6mins) and get a customised report.

5. DIY with the ChatGPT Prompt Stack. 20 page Google Doc of custom marketing prompts to ‘stack’ together to create your content assets.

6. Let’s brainstorm. ” Book a 20 min slot to talk on Zoom.

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Business, Marketing

Power Of A Content Machine

When you build yourself a content machine, it allows you to focus on your highest value and most energising work.

This is because once you’ve created a piece of content and published it, it means that dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of people can then engage with that content and get to know, like and trust you.

That is a digital asset.

Watch on: LinkedIn Facebook YouTube

The “digital you” is doing most of the heavy lifting whilst “real life you” who’s done the piece of content once, can then be free to do their highest value work.

Or alternatively doing stuff outside of work, like hanging out with your family or focusing on hobbies or pastimes.

That is the real value of building a content machine. It frees you up so that you can focus on more important stuff.

Leave me a comment on LinkedIn or Facebook.

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I’m off to Sydney tomorrow for the The Adviser conference. I’m going with the family this time so I can show the kids where I lived at Bondi for 8 years.

Finally, if you’re coming along on my TikTok and YouTube shorts experiment, thank you.

Again I don’t expect clients to do this — I am just playing and testing right now.

I’ll share the good, the bad and the ugly as I go.

If you’re curious, this video is in the lead for most overall views (nearly 2k cumulative)

Watch on TikTok YouTube shorts


PS. When you’re ready, here are 6 ways I can help you grow:

1. Download the Web Strategy Planning Template (PDF). Our flagship 1-page tool we co-created with David Meerman Scott. It’s been downloaded over one million times and featured on Forbes.

2. Read a free chapter from our book: Web Marketing That Works — — an Amazon #1 best seller.

3. Join the private group on Facebook. Access free training resources, and hang out with 2,200+ peers.

4. Discover your marketing score. Take the 40 point Marketing Scorecard (in < 6mins) and get a customised report.

5. DIY with the ChatGPT Prompt Stack. 20 page Google Doc of custom marketing prompts to ‘stack’ together to create your content assets.

6. Let’s brainstorm. ” Book a 20 min slot to talk on Zoom.

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Consultant vs Subject Matter Expert?

video for you

What’s the difference between a consultant and a subject matter expert?

Let’s dive into it.

Typically, a consultant is someone who most likely has left corporate land to go out on their own and start their own business.

As a consultant, you’re essentially an extra set of hands brought in to help deliver projects.

You’re doing what you would be doing as an employee but now you’re doing it independently as a contractor.

Watch on: LinkedIn Facebook YouTube

You’re paid by the hour, by the day, maybe by the project, and you’re really helping deliver on a project that’s been laid out.

You usually get paid a bit more than your old salary.

Compare that to a subject matter expert.

This role isn’t just about being paid for being an extra set of hands or helping deliver by doing the grunt work.

You’re brought in because of your smarts, your experiences, your intellectual property.

What you bring to the table helps your client either fast track results or avoid pitfalls.

Essentially, you’re delivering value that is over and above just helping get the work done.

The way to do this is to unpack a lot of your intellectual property, build it out into frameworks, methodologies and processes.

This way when people engage you, they’re not just getting your ‘hours’, they’re getting your ‘smarts’ (aka IP).

You might have 5,10, 20 years worth of smarts (IP) which a company can benefit from.

Of course, that is a lot more valuable than just an hour of your time or a day of your time.

If you can factor that in as a subject matter expert, you’re bringing a lot more value to the table.

You’ll be earning a lot more for what you bring to the table because it’s a lot more valuable.

It’s okay to start as a consultant, but if you can also be a consultant who is also a subject matter expert, that’s where things start to get really exciting.

That’s the difference between a consultant and a subject matter expert.

Which camp do you fall into?


PS. When you’re ready, here are 6 ways I can help you grow:

1. Download the Web Strategy Planning Template (PDF). Our flagship 1-page tool we co-created with David Meerman Scott. It’s been downloaded over one million times and featured on Forbes.

2. Read a free chapter from our book: Web Marketing That Works — — an Amazon #1 best seller.

3. Join the private group on Facebook. Access free training resources, and hang out with 2,200+ peers.

4. Discover your marketing score. Take the 40 point Marketing Scorecard (in < 6mins) and get a customised report.

5. DIY with the ChatGPT Prompt Stack. 20 page Google Doc of custom marketing prompts to ‘stack’ together to create your content assets.

6. Let’s brainstorm. ” Book a 20 min slot to talk on Zoom.

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What I shipped in 2019

Each year I post a year in review highlighting the major breakthroughs and things I’m proud of. In the words of Seth Godin I look at what I have shipped.

In 2019, I’ve decided to look at what has had the most impact in terms of my business and life in general.

1. Getting engaged

Getting engaged to Lou has has been a big personal milestone for me.

Lou and bellaI’ve found a loving partner who:
1. Brings out the best in me and makes life better.
2. Make me laugh and finds me interesting whilst accepting me for who I am.
3. Supports me and understands my world as entrepreneur as she is a business owner herself.

Plus I’ve got to welcome her dog Bella into my world!   We moved into a new place together in June, and that has also been a huge game changer for us.  Living back in Brisbane has also allowed me to spend more time with my niece, nephew and god daughter!

2. Swimming 4-5x per week

I’d been looking for a local swimming squad for quite some time, and the pool nearest to me didn’t have any adults sessions advertised. Proximity to the pool is a big factor in me actually attending training, so I was thrilled when I bumped into a mate who told me about the local squad.  They don’t advertise it because the pool is quite small, so this discovery was a major turning point for me.

Since July…. I’ve been doing 4-5 sessions per week. Combined with intermittent fasting (see below), I was able to shed 10kg between July and November.

I also find swimming somewhat meditative. I’ve never quite got my head around pure meditation, but I find swimming allows me to clear my mind and focus on breathing, which is my understanding of what mediation helps you achieve.

In 2020, I’d like to add yoga and some strength work to my routine.

3. Intermittent fasting

I first discovered intermittent fasting (IF) in 2017, and managed to lose 15kg in that year.  I’ve been an advocate ever since.  That said, in 2018 and early 2019 whilst I was technically fasting intermittently for much of the time, I realised the poor quality and large quantity of food I ate caused me to gain 10kg.

A trip to the US in July coincided with my friend and running coach being there too, and he commented that I’d put on a few kilos.  I knew it, but the feedback was a timely reality check and served as a turning point to get back into things properly.  I immediately resumed the fasting program that had been so effective in the past and have shed those ten kilos.

What my intermittent fasting looks like

Typically I’ll have one meal per day at around 6pm or 7pm.   I start the day with a bulletproof coffee which is black coffee mixed with a teaspoon of ghee, and a teaspoon of MCT oil.   It usually keeps me going until my main meal at 6pm.  I’m not suggesting it will suit you, but it’s been working for me, and has transformed my relationship with food.

When I do eat, I try to aim for keto based meals which are low (or no) carb, high protein & high fat. Typically it consists of vegetables, eggs and some meat.   When I do have a blow-out on the food front, I can negate it with a 48 hour fast.    On three occasions in 2019, I did 100 hour fasts (4.5 days).  It’s like a nice reset for my body.

In 2020 I’m going to experiment with the impact reducing alcohol intake has.

4. On the work front: Simplifying.

In the past I’ve been guilty of biting off more than I can chew, and getting overwhelmed.   So when I analysed what moved the needle the most and what I enjoyed the most, it was the same thing — my coaching program.  So I focused on that, and freed myself from worrying about the other stuff.

My mantra became: Do fewer things, but better.

I doubled down on my coaching program and so far at least 40 private clients have participated in it.  The reason I find this work most rewarding is because I can guide people along the whole the journey — not just the start of it.

In the past, speaking and in-house training was a big chunk of what I’ve done, revenue-wise. But I kept encountering the same challenge which was people would see me at a conference or workshop, but then when I saw them again, they’d not really implemented much.    Now I love holding people’s hand, so they don’t get stuck or overwhelmed.  The coaching program is a combination of 1-on-1 coaching and peer group workshops.

Client Intensive 2019

In 2019, speaking and in-house workshops were a ‘nice-to-have’ if people asked and if the projects were interesting, but the coaching program was what I focused on.   This was liberating as well as made me more effective.

In 2020, my goal is to refine the coaching program to make it more useful and also to build out a 12 month graduate program once clients complete the 90 LinkedIn Launchpad Program.

Part of my plan includes creating online modules for clients that package up the IP that I teach.

This has 3 benefits for me and my clients.

  • Clients can refer back to the material whenever they need.
  • It’s not reliant on me repeating myself every time to clients. They can refer them to the material and implement it on their own and then our 1-on-1 time together is more effective since I can help them refine it from there.
  • I can then sell these ‘modules’ as online courses to people who aren’t quite ready for my private coaching and it also serves as entry points for these prospective clients.

In 2019, Toby and I also formalised our new working relationship with Bluewire.

I’ve been running Bluewire for most of 2019, whilst Toby has taken a more of a backseat.  Toby’s involvement has evolved to a point where he can follow his true passion and apply his ‘native genius’ in the area of high performance.  Toby launched his new business, North — a “high performance culture” consultancy with Jonah Oliver.

Toby is still a director and shareholder of Bluewire, and works with me on the strategic direction of the company, as well as looks after its financial management.   It is a great working relationship and exciting for both of us.

5. 100 videos in 100 days

I made a pact in March to record 100 videos and 100 days and publish them online.   I enjoyed the process so much that I continued and did many more than the 100 I set out to do.  You can check them out on my Facebook page.

On the content creation front, I’ve released over a dozen new LinkedIn resources which I’ve shared with readers and LinkedIn contacts. All of them are free, and they’ve been downloaded by tens of thousands of people.  Sharing these resources and building this ‘content asset’ has been very satisfying.

6. Travel

Travel and adventure has always been something I’ve enjoyed and this year I spent some time visiting parts of Australia and well as overseas.

  • Australia: Perth & Margaret River for my 39th bday, plus little getaways to Coolum and Broadbeach.
  • USA: St Louis, New Jersey and New York.
  • Bangalore, India: This was for a conference (which was ultimately a debacle because it got cancelled morning it was meant to start).

2020 plans

I document all my goals and review with them Toby and Lou, but the big pictures ones are:

  • Focus on onboarding 100 clients into my coaching program and help each of them achieve good results.
  • Build out more of our IP into 3 online courses for clients (specifically on the topics of Sales & Conversion, Email Marketing and Content Marketing).
  • Celebrate my 40th birthday in April.

PS. Please donate to the Australian fires….

Australian firesAt the time of writing, hundreds of out-of-control fires are raging across Australia causing catastrophic damage. Our thoughts and donations are with the firefighters and the families who’ve lost everything.

Australian comedian Celeste Barber is helping the situation via the power of social media and has raised $6,058,113 in the last  48 hours (and more donations are flooding in).  Money raised is going to the fire services and if you can help, please make a donation here.


I originally published this on the Bluewire Media blog.

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What I shipped in 2014

Here my reflection of 2014.



Toby and I published our first book Web Marketing That Works (Wiley 2014).  This has been a goal of ours for many years and it was a proud moment when it came out.  Now of course we need to continue to sell it!

Book Adam & Toby


As part of launching the book we launched a podcast, also called Web Marketing That Works.  It was on the News and Noteworthy for 10 weeks. And then on What’s Hot.  My only slip up was not recording a few more shows to be published whilst I was in Bali… we lost a bit of momentum there.

Online courses:

We launched our Social Media That Works Online Course and had about $50k in sales for it, which we felt was a good start. This was big milestone as we move to focus on more digital products and online revenue. We’ll continue adding more training content and open it up to students again in future.



I ended taking 4 overseas vacations and 11 weeks ‘away’.

  • New Zealand (4 weeks) and did a reading at a friend’s wedding
  • Bali (5 weeks across 2 trips) — I proved I could live abroad and still keep Bluewire ticking over.
  • Vanuatu (for 1 week)
  • Plus a week’s holiday on the Gold Coast.

Tobes had a baby girl which was really cool, although  my milestone per se!

What didn’t work

  • I didn’t run any marathons or half marathons and found myself 12-13kgs overweight.
  • There were times I bit off more than I could chew and got overwhelmed and didn’t deliver on projects as well I could’ve.
  • Our book launch had its challenges because we never knew when the book would be out on Kindle or Amazon.  It was a “log on every day to see if it’s live yet” situation.  This made it very hard to co-ordinate a proper  book “launch” especially when the gap from when it came out on e-book (April) was an unexpected month before it came out in book stores (May) and then it was June (for Kindle) and July for Amazon.  Much of this was out of our control but even so it meant our book launch wasn’t as dynamic as we’d hoped.
  • I copped a bit of flak for sharing my Uber experience with our email list. Many viewed it as off-topic and me trying to get a few free Uber rides… It was well intentioned but I have learnt some good lessons with this!




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What I shipped in 2013

Each year I record what was and wasn’t shipped (Seth’s vernacular). Most are documented goals, but some pop up and are worth writing in the blog post for the record.

Here goes for 2103.


  • Got a book deal with Wiley for Web Marketing That Works
  • Wrote the manuscript with Toby (within a 90 day deadline)

    Sel Adam Suresh Elephant
    In India
  • Spent all day, everyday with Toby from Boxing Day to Jan 3rd making final edits to the manuscript.
  • Launched an online course for $197
  • Ran Social Media Down Under for the second year (even though attendance wasn’t as good as last year)
  • Travelled to India for a keynote speech (and they sent us on a 7 day tour of Kerala afterwards)
  • Ran a Web Marketing Workshop in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne which were well received.
  • Had a major pivot in our business — we discontinued web design and implementation services for clients, so we could focus purely on advice and training.  This move has freed up an enormous amount of time and expenses, with no adverse effect on monthly revenue.


  • Spent the year with a lovely girlfriend and went to Auckland for her twin’s wedding.

    Tobes wedding
    Tobes wedding
  • MC’d Toby (and Lucy’s) wedding and Pav (and Alana’s) wedding.
  • Was best man for my brother’s wedding. Gave the best man’s speech, organised the bucks and delivered the rings!
  • Went to the Hong Kong Sevens rugby
  • Ran the Budgy Bolt race around Sydney in speedos!
  • I ended up running 4 half marathons (Canberra 1:43, Sydney 1:39, Gold Coast 1:39, Blackmores 1:50).. I’d aimed to run PBs for half-maraton, marathon and City2Surf, but kept doing ‘halves’ to knock over the PB.

What didn’t work

  • Didn’t make to Inbound since a mate’s wedding took priority.
  • Was saddened to lose a Bluewire friend and alumni, Tony.  We miss you.
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Toby Jenkins, Jim Collins & Adam Franklin

What I shipped in 2012

Inspired by Seth Godin,  I am pleased to document my 2012 list of what I’ve shipped (and also what I didn’t).


  • Web Strategy Summit 2012
    Web Strategy Summit 2012

    Ran my first Social Media Down Under event in Sydney (72 registrations and it broke even).

  • Ran my first Web Strategy Summit in Brisbane (101 registrations and profitable).
  • Rolled out Hubspot inbound marketing software and grew my email subscribers by 3,745 contacts in 6 months.
  • Did 20 keynote presentations, 2 of which were overseas, and charged my $3k fee for most talks.

    Adam Franklin speaker stage
    Social Media keynote to 400 people
  • Kicked off our first corporate social media training program.
  • Got my first mention in BRW magazine.
  • Met aspirational contacts from the business world and social media land:  Chris Brogan, Brian Halligan, Dharmesh Shah, Gary Vaynerchuk, Eric Keiles, Mike Lieberman, Liz Strauss, Jason Fried, Brian Solis, Jeremiah Owyang, Ann Handley, Tony Hseih, Dan Zarrella, Laura Fitton, Darren Rowse, Chris Guillebeau and the personal highlight Jim Collins.

    Toby, Jenkins, Jim Collins & Adam Franklin
    Toby and me with Jim Collins!
  • Did two work trips to the US and visited Googleplex in Mountain View, Twitter offices in San Francisco and Zappos office in Las Vegas.
  • Travel-wise I got to visit Dajeon (South Korea), Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Hawaii, Chicago and Boston (twice).
  • Got invited to Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers Summit in San Francisco.

Adam Franklin Gold Coast Marathon 3:39
GC marathon 3:49

  • Ran Canberra half marathon in a PB of 1:34
  • Ran 2 marathons:  Gold Coast in 3:49 and Melbourne in 3:47 and ran into the MCG to cross the finish line.
  • Completed a 5km ocean swim from Coogee to Bondi in 1:49 (I think)
  • Wrote up my bucket list
  • Documented personal core values and personal BHAG
  • Moved into Bondi pad with my mate Tom
  • MC’d my first wedding for my mates Tim & Kate.
  • Melbourne Cup

    Went to Melbourne Cup in the bird cage and actually got to hold to Cup itself!

  • Did a trip to Barossa Valley & tasted Hill of Grace wine
  • Trip to Hunter Valley and saw Rod Stewart
  • Cairns Amateur Races



What didn’t go so well:

  • I had set out to write a book, which never shipped.  Although I do have the framework and action plan to ship it next year.
  • Couldn’t sweet talk our way into Facebook’s HQ in Menlo Park, but I’ll find a way next year 😉
  • Missed out on a guest spot on the Breakfast show.
  • Didn’t get tickets to Burning Man, didn’t attend the London Olympics or go surfing in the Maldives or skiing in NZ.

A big thanks to our Bluewire family, my real family, Tobes, TF, Mark, Skins, Roomie, Bowesy, my Bondi mates and everyone else who helped make 2012 a brilliant year.

How was your year in review?  Leave a comment or email me if you’re shy.

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13 brilliant business tips from Aussie John Symond

‘Aussie’ John Symond

You’d know the voice, you’d know the face and I’m sure you’d all know the name “Aussie” John Symond.  He has a huge profile in Australia thanks to the distinctive “at Aussie, we’ll save you!” adverts.

He was the draw card speaker on Day 1 of the Strategic Entrepreneur Summit in Sydney this weekend.

Here’s a collection of ‘business gems’ I managed to take down during John Symonds interview with host, Siimon Reynolds from The Fortune Institute.

Starting out

Like many successful entrepreneurs and business people, John came from a modest beginning. He grew up in Sydney’s west and attended 11 schools growing up and never went on a family holiday. But this was just fine as he didn’t know any different.

Failure and hardship

John had some success in law but his life suddenly crashed around him. He lost the few million dollars he had saved and was in debt, lost his house, his wife, his self esteem and self respect.

One of the most humiliating things was having his credit card cut up in a Sydney retailer. He’d hit rock bottom, but as John said.

The tide can only come up after it’s gone all the way out.

Most business people have failed and faced hardship but few admit it publicly. This is a shame because it creates a false perception of success and deters many people from going into business, or causes them to give up too soon.

10 year overnight success

John started Aussie Home Loans out of adversity and spent the first 10 years being broke. Obviously now it is very successful, but John is very humble about it.


All successful people have goals written down and they review them regularly. Despite phenomenal success, John Symond still has the goal of growing Aussie to be a similar size to the Big 4 banks (but of course, not be like the banks!)


Don’t ever confuse effort with results. You can spend a long hard at the office and achieve zero results — especially if you are busy doing stuff someone else can take care of.  Hire a PA to delegate admin to, and focus your time doing the high value activity that you’re good at.


Successful entrepreneurs have a laser focus and a true passion for what they do.


Don’t tolerate negativity. Hang out with winners – they are more successful, happier, more fun to be around and bring you up! You can spot a negative person because ‘nothing is ever their fault’ and they tend to hang around together. Avoid them.

Aussie John Symond and Siimon Reynolds
John Symond and Siimon Reynolds

Why people fail

Businesses fail because they are run by people who have a Plan B and a Plan C. John suggests that these people are “part timers” and not 100% focussed on the business at hand. They can’t be completely laser focussed because Plan B and Plan C are obviously consuming a fair slice of their attention.

When to give up?

If you truly believe that you have something special in your business, don’t give up until everything is exhausted.

However, if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, you  should probably give up because you’ll find something that you can be better at and enjoy more.


Always take calls from the media.  John has used publicity has very effectively to promote Aussie, and every day he takes their calls, even if it is negative. But don’t believe what’s written about you.

“If I’d believed even 5 per cent of what’s been written about me, I’d be cuckoo….. more cuckoo!” John Symond


Live your brand at all times.  It is your differentiator, so look after it. It was funny hearing that John Symond started doing his own adverts because he didn’t have the money to hire ‘real talent’!


When the chips are down and times are uncertain your team will be watching you. That’s when you need to show them the way and provide strong leadership.

Never say never

At one stage John told the Commonwealth Bank CEO he’d never sell 30% of Aussie to them. But John later realised ‘never say never’ and changed his mind. That deal is what enabled Aussie to snap up Wizard Homeloans for a fraction of what GE Money had paid for it!    Embrace change. What’s working today maybe be tomorrow’s problem.

So that’s a snapshot of the take-away lessons from Aussie John Symond’s session at Strategic Entrepreneur.  What did I miss out?

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What’s harder – running a business or a marathon?

Adam Franklin marathon MCG
Finishing the Melbourne marathon inside the MCG

I just finished my fourth marathon on Sunday and I’ve nearly completed eight years in business.

Are the similar? You bet. But they are both as hard and rewarding as each other.

Here are 5 things I’ve learned that are the same in business as marathons.

1. People will think you’re mad.

Hearing loved ones question your sanity for contemplating a marathon or a business is all part of the program for an aspiring entrepreneur or marathoner.

Well intentioned friends remind you that “90% of business fail in the first year” and “42 kilometres is loooong way.” No kidding, but it sounds like a fun challenge right…?

2.  Both are incredibly daunting at the start

But smart mentors and coaches said you don’t need to have all the answers when when you start. Their advice was to commit first, then work out how you’re going to achieve it. I always reminded myself that heaps of other people have been successful in business and in running marathons, so why can’t I?

I started Bluewire because I knew where I wanted to go, but didn’t know how to get there.  Same was true when I said yes to my first marathon.  Then I started  the journey of learning how to do it!

3. You’ve gotta do the work when no-one is watching.

I notice 1000s of people running along the boardwalk at Bondi now that summer is here, but at 5.30am in the dead of winter, I could count them on one hand.  Of course, my point isn’t that you need to get up at 5.30am, just make sure you’re doing the work, especially when no-one watching.

Your training shows.  If you cheat in the dark of morning, you’ll get found out under the bright lights.” ~ Joe Frazier

Adam Franklin Sean Bowes Melbourne Marathon
Me with Sean (Ethiopia kit) before his 2:26 PB in Melbourne

4. You rise to the company you keep

My mate and running coach Sean Bowes helped me take 28 minutes of my marathon PB  (personal best) simply by letting me train with him once a week.

But you know what, as a result Sean’s own time slipped by 20 mins.  I got better, he got worse.

Now he trains with an elite squad in Sydney and did a 4 week high altitude training camp in Kenya and Ethiopia.  Sean’s taken 20 mins off last year’s time to come 11th in the Melbourne marathon in his PB of 2:26:58.

He still coaches me but we don’t train together.

It’s not about brushing your mates, it’s about setting time to team up with people further up the food chain and also being generous enough to help those who aren’t as accomplished as you yet.

In business, I seek am grateful to highly successful mentors but I will always be generous with people who want to ask me questions.

5. If you go out too fast, you’ll crash and burn!

Marathons are fun because they are as much a mental game as a physical one. It’s a game of patience, almost like chess, where you must wait to make your move – like endurance ‘cat and mouse’.

Most marathoners have learnt the way about going out too hard.  ‘Hitting the wall’ is very real and it’s one of the worst pains I’ve experienced – worse than a dislocated shoulder for me. Mates who’ve been elite boxers and professional rugby players have unravelled when they’ve hit the wall.  It can floor you.

Same in business. Undisciplined growth and overzealous plans can unravel a company.  Bluewire very nearly went down that path after 3 years of 200%+ growth, but fortunately we stabilised over the next 4 years by implementing good systems and hiring great people.

Just casting my eye down a few ‘fast lists’ and the Hot30 Under30 list that we were on in 2009, I can’t help but notice several companies are now non-existant.

Management expert and author of Great by Choice, Jim Collins refers to the discipline of not over extending, the company’s 20 mile march.

Coach Sean Bowes says:

If you want to do a 3:30 marathon, go out doing 5 min per km and come home doing 5 min per km.  Simple.  Avoid temptation when it’s easy, and grind it out when things get tough.

So these are 5 of the things I’ve learnt

What else have you learned from running a business or a marathon? And yes, I often think I am mad too!

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What I learnt from Twitter’s CTO

One of the highlights of the Multipliers Leadership Summit in San Fransisco was hearing from Twitter‘s new CTO Chris Fry.  Chris was formerly at and oversaw tremendous growth there.

Given Chris has seen huge growth at and it is going the same way at Twitter, my question for Chris was:

When you made significant breakthroughs at both companies, what were the lightbulb moments and what can we learn from them?

What I learnt from Chris:
There is a lot of debate-making at Twitter, but core values always come back to frame all their decisions. They are always are guided by Twitter’s mission which is to bring free ideas into the world.

Twitter’s CTO Chris Fry

A lot of things change (and break) as you grow from 50 to 100 to 500 staff. Embrace being broken and go back to “learning mode.”  Information flow is important and so is breaking the hierarchy.  Make sure you defeat the hierarchy especially when you are the hierarchy.

Also seek feedback from colleagues when you’re in “learning mode'”  Openness should be a badge of honour.  And finally let people choose their team. It is best for retention and happiness.


Adam & Toby at Twitter

Thanks Chris, you can follow @chfry on twitter.  And thanks also for Melissa for the tour of the Twitter offices that afternoon.

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