Kevin Ryan, CSP & business partner Toby Jenkins after my first prsentation

Since my business partner Toby & I started doing public speaking for work about 12 months ago, we thought we may as well learn the ropes from someone who ‘does it exceptionally well.’

That someone is Kevin Ryan CSP.  The CSP beside his name stands for Certified Speaking Professional & it is the highest, internationally recognised, accreditation for a professional speaker.  There’s only about 500 people in this category.

We engaged Kevin’s service & here are five of his speaking tips:

Tip 1:  Find Four Friendly Faces (The Four Fs)
Before you start, split the audience into four quarters & find a friendly face in each quadrant.  These will be the faces you makes eye contact with during your presentation, to help keep you focused and relaxed.

Tip 2: Know your first 60 seconds
You should know exactly how you are going to start (and close) your presentation.  Your first 60 seconds should entice the audience to want to know more and should establish ‘why’ they should listen to you in the first place. It can be best to do this by telling a short real life story that encapsulates ‘what’s in it for the audience.’

Everything after the first 60 seconds should be done “on the fly” since you know the material & you have your slides too.

Tip 3: Audiences need to use Imagination & Linkages
For a presentation to be great, an audience requires two things:

IMAGINATION: Use pictures & tell stories since they fire up the imagination & are memorable.
LINKAGES:  Have memorable points that link to your core message.  Eg. Mistake #1, Mistake #2 can link back to your core message.

Tip 4: Do “Q&A” BEFORE you give your closing statement.
If you do this, it saves you from an awkward exit if there are no questions from the audience. [Side note: you should always have one up your sleeve to get the ball rolling. Eg.” A question I’m often asked it…” ]

Tip 5: Know & practice your closing statement.
If you follow Tip 4, you’ll be able to do your Q&A and then end the presentation with a powerful closing statement. Know your closing statement off by heart & practice it. According to Kevin, one of the best ways to close is with a ‘triplet juxtaposition.’

What is that you ask? Well, I’ll fill you in on a future blog post!

Thanks for your help so far Kevin.

Conference Speaker Brisbane:  If you’d like me to speak at your event, please call 1300 258 394.


CSP, Kevin Ryan, Speaking

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