The fact that Ignite came to Brisbane is great news.  And what’s especially flattering is that I had the opportunity to be one of the speakers!

What makes Ignite unique is that all presentations are 5 minutes long.  You have 20 slides which rotate (automatically) every 15 seconds.  What a brilliant format.

I’ve been studying other presenters at some of the other Ignite nights from around the world and taking notes. Practice, practice, practice & don’t rush seem to be the resounding lessons from past speakers.  Plus don’t worry if you stumble — everyone does — just focus on getting back on track & entertaining the audience.

Anyway, my time came & I really enjoyed the experience.  Here it is:

Thanks also to all the tweets you made during my presentation.

Tweets during Adam Franklin's Ignite
Some tweets during my Ignite talk

Twitter speaker: If you’d like someone to explain Twitter at your event, I’d love to hear from you. Call 1300 258 394 or tweet me @Franklin_Adam


adam franklin, brisbane, ignite, Speaking, twitter

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